by Steven Trustrum » Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:02 am
As you all walk past the Inquisitor and board, she blankly says to you "remember, your primary objective is retrieving the intelligence from my agent. Secondary to this is taking out the communications and life support, as they can make the former more likely. Although I know you find leaving behind any heretics as deplorable as I, do not pursue the enemy unless it is unavoidable. We cannot risk the primary objective to kill the traitors. What my agent has obtained is too important to lose. May the Emperor protect you, Space Marines of the Deathwatch." She then turns crisply and walks away, leaving you all to board.
[For this mission you will have no Requisition, as would be normal. As you are settling down and awaiting launch, you must all vote on who is to be the leader and then take any Oaths you wish for the mission's duration. You should also talk over any plans you have for obtaining the objectives.]
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