Rules of Play

This forum is for in-game, in-character posting. Here is where the actual game will take place.

Moderator: Steven Trustrum

Rules of Play

Postby Steven Trustrum » Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:04 pm

Here are the ground rules for play:

1) the "in game" threads are all regarding what is going on in the game. You should talk in them as though representing your character. "Metagame" (player rather than character) conversation goes in the metagame forum. Use the latter for discussing overall strategies, plans, etc. among yourselves.

2) brief metagame / mechanical statements in the "in game" forum should be in red. These are for brief questions directed at me, game mechanic explanations attached to the actions you describe, etc.

3) to keep things simple, I'll make all dice rolls using a random generator on my end and announce the results. To keep the feel of the game going, I'll rarely provide the actual die results and will typically just translate the effects into the narration.

4) use PMs to make covert asides to myself and other, specific players. At times I may even require you to send a PM, such as when using telepathy or a closed radio channel with a specific player that others can't listen in on. A trust system is in place, though, so if the group gets divided or the like, you're on your honor as to how to not abuse the system.

5) Considering there are no "sessions," rewards will be handed out at relevant benchmarks in the narrative

6) Regarding posting time: if you are going away for an extended period, let me know and I'll NPC your character. If you are absent for a day or so, I'll automatically NPC your character in a way I feel makes sense so as to not hold anyone up. Keeping me apprised of your character's goals, thoughts, etc. using PM will help me better keep such instances in line with your desires if you are unexpectedly absent for a day or so.
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Steven Trustrum
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Re: Rules of Play

Postby Steven Trustrum » Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:05 pm

By the way, for obvious reasons I'd highly recommend you turn on notifications and subscribe to game threads to stay on top of what's going on. In the past I've had PbP players who missed out on stuff because they didn't do this.
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Re: Rules of Play

Postby Steven Trustrum » Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:57 pm

I should also mention that, as stated in the player call-out, this is my first time GM'ing Deathwatch. If you're doing something and want to remind me that a certain game mechanic or aspect of your character is particularly relevant, by all means remind me. Place such a reminder within your post in red text.
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