Odyssey Prime

PortalWhat The World Is Not Meant To Know

It's all going to hit the fan.

Not today. Not tomorrow. But someday. Someday sooner than just about everyone expects.

Thankfully there are people wise to the danger. Thankfully these people are doing everything in their power - and beyond - to see that humanity survives the coming catastrophe.

Thankfully, humanity has you to rely upon.

The World's Only Hope

Doomsday is coming in the form of a giant asteroid that will impact the Earth in 2012. The world has not been told so as to keep mankind from killing itself before then in a blind panic. We ar not without hope, however, thanks to the American and British governements, which have been keeping a secret. The secret of interdimensional travel, Codename: Project Odyssey .

You have until 2012 to complete one of two missions: First, travel to new dimensions and find something that can stop the Doomsday Asteroid or, second, find somewhere that humanity can relocate to. Under the guise of FEMA (Federal Emergency Magement Agency) agents, you are one of the few - the brave - that must complete this mission, including keeping the secrets of the Doomsday Asteroid and interdimensional travel.

At all costs.

Project Odyssey

Aside from the operatives scouring the spectrum of dimensional space for anything that can stave off Earth's doom, Project Odyssey has black-op squads, known as Damage Control (Dam Con) teams, working without stop to prevent Earth's greatest secret from leaking to the general populace. Using the blanket powers of their FEMA cover, these agents ensure the project's secrets do not fall to foreign powers or antagonistic agencies. It isn't an easy job, but nobody said saving the world was easy.

As the Dam Con teams pull their weight on Earth, the Odyssey Teams scour other dimensions for a way to save Earth or, barring that, a place to evacuate as many of its people as possible. This is no simple task. Aside from the overwhelming statistical improbabilities of searching infinite possibilities and finding what Earth needs, there are the inescapable and unpredictable dangers waiting on the other side of the portal. There is no way for an Odyssey Team to prepare for all eventualities, so the best they can manage is to keep a stout heart, maintain their wits and improvise.

The race to save Earth is on and now it is your time to step up and lend a hand.

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